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Spring Virtual Academic Advising and Course Registration

Welcome to Virtual Academic Advising and Course Registration for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences! Below are directions and details.

  • December 6: First-year and Transfer students will receive an additional email about scheduling a  mandatory virtual academic advising and course registration appointment with your major.

Tips and Tools to prepare for this meeting

  • Download Hokies On Track app to stay informed about upcoming events and information.
  • Download Zoom prior to your meeting with your major.

ALEKS Placement 

Take the placement assessment as soon as possible, one assessment is used to qualify students for eligibility in these courses. Access to ALEKS is available now and is offered free of charge for Virginia Tech students. All College of Science majors (except psychology majors) should complete the ALEKS assessment, regardless of anticipated AP, IB, CLEP, Cambridge, or other transfer credits.

Before you begin registering for courses 

  1. CREATE YOUR VIRGINIA TECH USER ID: This will be your Virginia Tech username and email address. (Allow 24 hours before completing the remainder of this checklist)
  2. ENROLL in the 2-Factor Authentication with Duo.
  3. DOWNLOAD the DUO Mobile App on your personal smartphone and enroll your device.
  4. ACCESS, READ, USE your VT Email daily. Your VT Email is how the college, and your academic advisor will communicate with you.
  5. ADD your VT emailto your personal smartphone that you will be using.
  6. SIGN UP to receive VT Alerts for your phone.

Click on the department or school that your major is under for detailed instructions,


Majors: Agribusiness, Community Economic Development, Environmental Economics Management and Policy, Food & Health Systems Economics,  and International Trade and Development

Welcome to the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics! We look forward to working with you as you begin your journey at Virginia Tech! In order to ensure you are ready for advising and course registration, please see the information below:

  1. You will receive an email with instructions on how to schedule your advising appointment.
  2. Advising appointments will be virtual over Zoom - each advising session will be an individual appointment. Your appointment will be approximately 45 minutes and we will finalize your classes during this appointment.
  3. Please make sure you are checking your VT email daily for updates. 

If you have any questions, please email Normand Adams at  



Welcome to the Department of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education! We look forward to working with you as you begin your journey at Virginia Tech! In order to ensure you are ready for advising and course registration, please see the information below:

  1. You will receive an email from your Academic Advisor, with instructions on how to schedule your advising appointment.
  2. Advising appointments will be virtual over Zoom - each advising session will be an individual appointment. Your appointment will be approximately 45 minutes and we will finalize your course schedule during this time.
  3. Please make sure you are checking your VT email daily for updates.

If you have any questions, please email Courtney Collins at We look foward to meeting you this coming semester!


APSC farm photo

Welcome to the Animal and Poultry Sciences major! We are excited to have you join our major and look forward to meeting you in person. To help us advise you during course registration, you will be receiving a pre-advising survey and additional instructions via your VT email address so be sure to watch for emails from If you need to get in touch with us prior to your advising appointment, please send an email to
Undergraduate Education Office
Dr. Jessica Bedore
Morgan Brokken
Dr. Rebecca Cockrum
Dr. Benjamin Corl
Kathy Tarter Duncan
Dr. Dan Eversole
Dr. Katie Heiderscheit
Dr. Cindy Wood


Welcome to the Biochemistry major! We are excited you are joining our program and look forward to meeting with you for advising and course registration. Here is what to expect:

  1. You will receive an email from us to make an advising appointment.
  2. Advising appointments will be over Zoom  to go over information about your major and to answer general questions.
  3. After your advising meeting, you will receive a satisfaction survey.
  4. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Amy Rasor ( and Amanda Villar (
Biochemistry Academic and Student Support Advisors

Hokie Bird kissing a cow

Welcome to the Dairy Science major! We are excited to have you join our major and look forward to meeting you in person.

Undergraduate Education Office

Dr. Jessica Bedore
Morgan Brokken
Dr. Rebecca Cockrum
Dr. Benjamin Corl
Kathy Tarter Duncan
Dr. Dan Eversole
Dr. Katie Heiderscheit
Dr. Cindy Wood

Welcome to Exploring Life Sciences! Our program is designed for students who know they have an interest in the life sciences but haven’t quite identified that perfect-fit major. The Exploring Life Sciences program is a great first step to explore majors within agriculture and life sciences or other areas of studies. I will be your advisor for the program and look forward to working with you to offer guidance tailored to your individual goals.

You will receive a link via your Virginia Tech email address with instructions on signing up for an advising appointment. You will have an opportunity then to choose a date from my advising blocks that best fit your schedule. 

I am excited to welcome you to the program and look forward to working with you!

Jennifer Carr

Welcome to Food Science and Technology!
I am excited that you will be joining us next semester.  I am Herbert “Bruce” Bruce, Assistant Professor of Practice for Undergraduate Education and academic advisor for all FST undergrads.  In order to get you ready, we have a few things we need to do. Here’s your checklist:

  1. Complete the FST Incoming Student Survey.  You will need to log into Google using your VT email address and PW to access the form. Please list all AP, IB Scores & Dual Enrollment Credit, even if you have not received your score. The personal questions are there to introduce you to your fellow classmates as I will create a webpage for you on the FST Student Site.
  2. View FST Student Site. Again, you must be logged into your VT Google Account to view this site. I have orientation information listed here and as we meet, we will step through the information. Also, you can see your fellow classmates and get to know a bit about them before you get to campus.
  3. Consider an option for your major before we meet this summer (you may change it later). See FST student flyer.pdf (linked below)
  4. Make an appointment with your advisor.  You can make appointments are through Navigate and select Make an Appointment. We will schedule our meeting for 90 minutes though most often we will be in done in about an hour. 

Any questions? Email me at Can’t wait to meet you!

FST Student Flyer Update 9-25-24.pdf FST Flyer

Welcome to Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise! We are excited to have you in the HNFE family and can't wait to get started! Next steps:

  1. Sign up for a New Student Meeting: HNFE New Student Meeting sign-up
  2. Check your VT email regulary. You will recieve a New Student Information email with a pre-registration survey where you can choose your major, tell us your interests, and let us know what credits you might be transferring.
  3. Schedule a course registration advising appointment. You will receive an email from your academic advisor with instructions to sign up for an appointment.  
  4. You will be added to the HNFE Advising Canvas site.


Majors: Ecological Restoration, Environmental Science, Crop and Soil Sciences, Environmental Horticulture, Integrated Agriculture Technologies, Landscape Design and Turfgrass Science, and Plant Science

Welcome to the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences! We look forward to working with you as you begin your journey at Virginia Tech! Your next steps include:

  1. You will receive an email with instructions on how to schedule your academic advising appointment through Navigate.
  2. Advising appointments will be virtual over Zoom.  Each advising session will be an individual appointment and will last approximately one hour.  We will review your transfer credits and you will register for Spring classes during this appointment.
  3. Please make sure you are checking your VT email daily for updates. 
  4. You'll be added to the SPES Undergraduate Advising canvas site.

If you have any questions, please email Karen Drake-Whitney, SPES Undergraduate Student Coordinator at

Welcome to the Agricultural Technology family! We look forward to working with you over the next two years as you prepare to be a leader in your field! We will discuss how to use Hokie Scheduler, along with other pertinent informaiton during our online academic advising  and course registration sessions. Check out our website,, and check your VT email daily for updates. Email Stephanie Slocum ( with any questions.

Advising Appointment Dates: Sessions will be online using Zoom. 

How to send information about transfer credit: 

  • To view transferable credits pleaase visit:
  • Transfer students need to send their high school transcript if they completed 2 years of a single foreign language in high school.
  •  Dual Enrollment must be sent by the institution through which you completed the courses. The official transcripts for dual enrollment courses or courses taken at other universities to Virginia Tech’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Virginia Tech will not process transfer credit for dual enrollment courses on high school transcripts; we must receive official copies from the community college or university where the course was taken.
  • Official high school, college, and university transcripts 

All transcripts should be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions through electronic transfer (i.e., Parchment) or through mail to the address below.

Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Virginia Tech 
925 Prices Fork Road 
Blacksburg, VA 24061

AP, IB, CLEP, and Cambridge Scores:

To view equivalencies for courses you wish to transfer, please visit those guides at

AP, IB, CLEP, and Cambridge scores to Virginia Tech’s Office of the University Registrar. AP & CLEP must be sent to VT from CollegeBoard (they will not process copies of scores). Use School Code #5859

Virginia Tech Registrar
Student Services Bldg., Suite 250
800 Washington Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061

  • Information coming Soon....

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