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Faculty Opportunities

We support the global aspirations of our faculty by building partnerships abroad, building individual capacity for global engagement, and providing seed grants to enable faculty to pursue global opportunities.


Funding Opportunities for Faculty

  • General Item
    Global Opportunity Initiative

    The Global Opportunity Initiative is a cohort-based faculty development program geared towards capacity building, network development, and building teams to pursue global funding initiatives.

  • General Item
    Seed Grant Opportunities for Faculty

    Browse opportunities curated for CALS faculty looking to submit proposals to advance global partnerships, develop a proof of concept, and revise existing courses to create international engagement opportunities.

  • General Item
    Fellowship Opportunities for CALS Faculty

    CALS faculty can apply for two opportunities for furthering global engagement as CALS Global Faculty Scholars and GAP Research Fellows.

Opportunities Beyond CALS

Other Resources for Faculty

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service supports agricultural professionals from middle-income countries, emerging markets, and emerging democracies for two- to three-week trainings at U.S. institutions. These programs are designed to  address specific, mutual trade interests in agriculture between the U.S. and the participating foreign professionals. Eligible countries and topics are announced annually by the USDA.

The USDA Foreign Agricultural Service supports early- and mid-career professionals from developing and middle-income countries working in agricultural research or policy. These one-on-one mentorships at U.S. institutions, which run from eight to 12 weeks, emphasize collaborative research development and fostering of science-based trade policies in agriculture.

These U.S. State Department reciprocal programs allow foreign students and scholars to work with U.S. institutions in a variety of short- and long-term programs. Applications are sought by country or regional selection processes, and the vast majority of countries are eligible.