Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff by Department
Faculty and Staff Resources
- Non-recurring Budget Request Form (XLS | 25KB)
- Salary Savings Request Form (XLSX | 23KB)
- Special Incentive Plan for Conversion to Faculty Base Appointments (PDF | 104KB)
- Request for Conversion of Calendar-Year Appointment under the Special Incentive Plan (DOC | 35KB)
- Request for Extension of Calendar-Year Research Conversion
- Request for Research-Extended Appointment Form (DOC | 43KB)
- Request for Authorization for Faculty/Classified Recruitment (DOC | 198KB)
- Virginia Tech Human Resources Forms
- CALS Peer Review of Teaching (DOCX | 24KB)
College Policies
- Affiliate and Adjunct Faculty Appointments (DOC | 58 KB)
- Best Practice on Purchasing Computer & Tablet Equipment
- CALS Extension Program Peer Review (DOC | 90 KB)
- CALS Peer Review of Teaching (DOCX | 24 KB)
- Guidelines for Instructor Promotion (PDF | 2 MB)
- Instructor Promotion Procedures with Timeline (PDF)
- Local Checking (DOC)
- Operating Procedures for College Promotion and Tenure Committee (PDF | 53 KB)
- Policy on Food Purchases on State Funds
- Policy on Mobile Communication Devices
- Policy on P-Card Violation Protocols
- Policy on Travel Pre-Approvals (PDF | 145 KB)
- Procedures for the Two- and Four-Year Review of T/R Faculty (PDF | 156 KB)
- Salary Savings Policy Guidelines (DOCX | 103 KB)
- Unit Administrators Five-Year Review Procedures
University Policies
- policies.vt.edu
- Statement of Business Conduct Standards
- Faculty and Staff Handbooks
- Virginia Tech Foundation
- Promotion and Tenure Procedures
- Faculty Handbook
- Virginia Benefits
- Federal Benefits
- Thrift Savings
- Electronic Faculty Annual Reporting System
- Faculty Evaluation Principles
- Evaluation Scale Definitions
- Faculty Evaluation Criteria Definitions
- College Averages for Teaching Evaluations, Fall 2005 - Current (PDF | 23KB)
- College Averages for Teaching Evaluations, Fall 2011 - Current
- Staff Evaluation Self-Assessment (DOC | 69KB)
- Staff Evaluation System (Hokie Team)
- Student Perceptions of Teaching
- CALS Extension Program Peer Review
- Publications and Resources website
- Publications Request
- Publication Process and Author Guidelines (VCE Intranet, password protected)
The professional development section provides quick references to the many professional development resources located at Virginia Tech that may be useful for college faculty, staff, and students.
Work-Life Liaisons support the faculty recruitment efforts in each college by meeting individually with candidates to discuss Virginia Tech’s dual career resources, extend-the-tenure-clock policies, modified duties policies, community resources, and to refer candidates to appropriate resources for additional information. These meetings are confidential and separate from the formal search process.
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences requires a work life liaison meeting for all tenure track and collegiate faculty searches. Meetings are held in-person (with exceptions for Agricultural Research and Extension Centers) and typically last 30 minutes.
Please email Susan Chen to schedule an appointment.
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Links for Faculty and Staff
- Banner
- Office of Communications and Marketing
- HokieMart
- HokieSpa
- Human Resources
- Information Technology (CALS IT)
- Faculty and Staff Leave System
- Canvas
- Office of Emergency Management
- Bursar's Office
- Office of Budget and Financial Planning
- Controller's Office
- Virginia Tech Foundation
- Procurement
- Parking Services
- VCE Common Ground