College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Faculty Association

The purpose of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Faculty Association is to foster the involvement of faculty in College and University affairs and decision making. All CALS faculty are strongly encouraged to participate in CALSFA. If you are a tenure-track, non-tenure track, or administrative/professional faculty member in our college, this is YOUR association.
As your CALSFA representatives, the executive committee works to:
- Bring faculty issues forward to College administration
- Organize faculty forums, trainings, and workshops on timely issues such as promotion and tenure and annual faculty evaluations
- Host CALS faculty social events
- Engage and inform new faculty by participating in the new CALS faculty orientation
- Facilitate nominations and awarding of the CALSFA "Ut Prosim" Excellence in Service Award
- Host a renowned external speaker on topics of potential interest to CALS faculty
- Facilitate elections and fill committee vacancies for shared governance at the College and University level
- Represent CALS on the Faculty Senate
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