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Global Opportunity Initiative

Applications have closed for 2024. See below for past program details.

The Global Opportunity Initiative is a cohort-based faculty development program geared towards capacity building, network development, and building teams to pursue global funding initiatives.

CALS Global will work with faculty to simplify complex research challenges, refine their research pitch, build collaboration and networking skills, and network with agencies, NGOs, and contractors active in global engagement.

The objectives of the Global Opportunity Initiative are to:
  • Empower College of Agriculture and Life Sciences faculty to deepen global awareness, form global networks, and successfully compete for global funding.
  • Build CALS’ capacity to be a leader in global engagement. 
Apply to be a 2024 Global Fellow

The 2024 Global Opportunity Initiative cohort will be built around a theme of “community engaged research and outreach for impact.”  The deadline to apply is December 8, 2023.

Faculty selected to participate in the 2024 cohort will participate in two capacity-building and learning sessions on campus and one in Washington, DC during January – May 2024. The capstone experience will be a 12-14 day trip to Ethiopia during June 2024 to work directly with prospective partners - including researchers, community organizations, private sector, and government. Engagement with partners in Ethiopia is intended to continue well past our return to Blacksburg. Lunch and Learn sessions will be hosted during the semester to review and discuss training materials, Ethiopian culture and country context, and other related topics. CALS Global leadership will participate with the cohort as mentors and facilitators.

We will select up to six early-career “GOI Fellows”.  The following criteria will determine eligibility:
  • Tenured and tenure-track CALS Assistant and Associate Professors within four years post-tenure are eligible. Non-TT faculty, including VCE faculty with responsibilities for resource generation may also apply. Postdoctoral associates and others in temporary positions are not eligible to apply.
  • Applications will be evaluated on:
    • qualifications and success to date,
    • disciplinary fit with the objectives for the cohort,
    • candidate contribution to disciplinary diversity within the cohort, and
    • candidate statement and likelihood of continued global engagement.
CALS Global Fellows will learn and experience how to:
  • Simplify complex research challenges and identify new areas for high impact research and outreach
  • Refine your pitch
  • Build your collaboration and networking skills
  • Work with like-minded CALS faculty with a focus on global engagement
  • Network with agencies, NGOs, and private sector actors active in global and local community food and health systems
  • Partner with colleagues globally to develop high-impact collaborations

If you are selected, be prepared for an adventure! Part of our time in Ethiopia will involve overland travel by vehicle. During these times, cell and wifi access may be nonexistent, food choices are likely to be limited, and accommodations may be spartan. Please check the Centers for Disease Control website regarding immunization recommendations.

Expectations for CALS Global Fellows are as follows (no exceptions):
  • Attend and participate fully in three sessions in Blacksburg and Washington DC.
  • Attend at least two-thirds of the “lunch and learn” sessions
  • Travel to Ethiopia (Addis Ababa and Jimma) during June 2024 and engage with partners.
  • Seek continued engagement with partners and colleagues after our return
  • Help promote the program within CALS
  • Provide feedback on the program and achieved outcomes
To apply, submit your application no later than December 8, 2023 through the Submittable portal.  Applications require:
  • Career CV
  • Your current research/teaching/extension focus areas
  • Statement of interest in global engagement, including future aspirations.  Please address how your expertise will connect with the theme of the cohort.
  • Statement of support from department head/unit leader, including a commitment to provide $2,500 of cost-sharing

Submitting your application signifies that you have read and understand all of the program expectations.

Deadline for applications:  8 December, 2023

Fellow selections announced:  21 December, 2023

Kickoff cohort meeting and reception:  24 January, 2024

Session 1 – Full-day on-campus session:  1 February, 2024

Session 2 – Full-day on-campus session:  15 March, 2024

Session 3 – Washington DC session:  18-19 April, 2024

Pre-departure orientation:  TBD

Trip to Ethiopia:  12-14 days between 31 May and 16 June 2024

Lunch and learn sessions:  TBD

Celebration:  TBD

Our Ethiopian academic partner is Jimma University.  Jimma’s college of agriculture was originally founded in the 1960s with help from Oklahoma State University, and the university was established during the 1980s. Today, Jimma is a comprehensive university, including the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and the Institute of Health. We will spend 4-6 days with Jimma faculty and staff, learning about local agri-food and health (animal and human) systems and fostering linkages among CALS and Jimma faculty.

We will also spend several days in and around the capital, Addis Ababa. While there, we will spend time with GAP Initiative partner Sasakawa Africa Association.  “SAA and its country programs …work in close collaboration with national agricultural extension services in Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda to support smallholder farmers along the agricultural value chain. SAA aims to increase farmers’ income and food and nutrition security through promoting market-oriented, sustainable, resilient, and regenerative and nutrition-sensitive agricultural innovations and building the capacity of Extension Agents and farmers.”

In addition to these partners, we will also have the chance to meet and learn from other public, private, and civil society actors in relevant fields and value chains.

If you have questions, please contact Tom Thompson ( or Jess Agnew (


Past Global Opportunity Initiative Fellows

2021 GOI Fellows

  • Natalie Cook - Department of Population Health Sciences
  • Anubhab Gupta - Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
  • Josh Ignash - Department of Biological Sciences
  • Enette Larson-Meyer - Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise
  • Tessa LuCuyer - Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology
  • Roger Ramirez-Barrios - Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathbiology
  • Julie Shortridge - Department of Biological Systems Engineering
  • Wade Thomason - School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
  • Karen Vines - Department of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education
  • Stella Volpe - Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise

2019 GOI Fellows

2018 GOI Fellows

  • Jonathan Auguste - Entomology
  • Catherine Larochelle - Agricultural and Applied Economics
  • Robin White - Animal and Poultry Science
  • Megan O'Rourke - School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
  • Takeshi Fukao - School of Plant and Environmental Sciences


Dr. Tom Thompson
Associate Dean and Director, CALS Global
104 Hutcheson Hall
Dr. Jess Agnew
Associate Director, CALS Global
104E Hutcheson Hall
2024 GOI Announcement.pdf