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Seed Grant Opportunities for Faculty

Applications have closed for 2024. See below for past program details.

CALS Global is a strategy-driven unit within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences that builds partnerships, drives thought leadership, and creates opportunities for faculty and students to serve globally. We organize our work through four initiatives:

CALS and VCE faculty with long-term appointments and responsibilities for resource generation are invited to submit proposals. The proposed scope of work should clearly align with two or more CALS Global strategic priorities:

  • Invest in issues that affect the quality of life and the human condition globally.
  • Catalyze breakthrough and disruptive innovation in agricultural and life sciences.
  • Create champions for complex global challenges and engagement.
  • Drive the global conversation and decision-making about agricultural productivity growth. 
  • Connect and convene partners in the international multisectoral ecosystem of agriculture and life sciences.
  • Strengthen the reputation and renown of CALS and Virginia Tech.

Grant Opportunities for FY 2024

Faculty, individually or in teams, are invited to submit proposals to CALS Global to conduct research or create and execute a student experiential learning program with one of our partners (see here for a list of partners) to create opportunities for long-term partnership, a joint portfolio of work, and future competitive and non-competitive funding. See information on the World Food Programme Cambodia collaboration to illustrate the type of programs these awards will fund. We ask that you share your idea with Tom or Jessica before reaching out to partners. 

The maximum funding request is $25,000. At least 20% cost share (i.e. $5,000) from the selected partner is required and can include in-kind contributions. The partner contribution should be documented in the proposal. Preference will be given to proposals with higher cost share and contributions from the PIs department. We expect to make one award for research and one for student experiential learning in FY 2024. 

Jessica Agnew will help to develop the awarded project into a competitive program to attract competitive and non-competitive funding and publicity.

The proposal should document why the partnership and research/student experience is strategic for CALS and the long-term outcomes anticipated from the work. For projects including student experiential learning, please email Susan Sumner ( with a copy to Jessica Agnew.

Teams of faculty are invited to submit proposals to advance the science and outreach of climate-smart agricultural practices. The explicit purpose of this opportunity is to position faculty teams for larger grant opportunities, and the application must demonstrate how the proposed work will accomplish this. 

The maximum budget request is $20,000 for projects with a solely domestic focus and $25,000 if including an international focus. The team must include at least two faculty, with one or more being a CALS faculty member. A CALS or VCE faculty member must be project leader. We expect to make two awards in FY 2024. 

Faculty, individually or in teams, are invited to submit proposals for international travel or activities to build and advance global partnerships, breakthrough/disruptive innovations to create global impacts in agriculture and life sciences, globalization of your course to include international engagement, intercultural learning, and or cross￾cultural competency; and transdisciplinary research and or outreach that addresses pressing global issues. Please note that conference travel will not be funded. 

Maximum budget request for individual faculty is $4,000. Maximum budget request for teams is $8,000 for two faculty and $12,000 for faculty teams of three or more. Not more than one team member can be from outside CALS or VCE. We expect to award up to $32,000 through this opportunity.

Tenured CALS faculty members are invited to submit proposals to serve as CALS Global Scholars. This opportunity is designed for faculty members with significant global engagement experience and success. Applicants should propose a project with a global focus and potential for growth, consistent with the mission of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and CALS Global strategic priorities. The proposal should demonstrate that this is a new initiative, and not an “add-on” to existing efforts or to close a funding gap in a current project. See here and here for previous scholars. 

We expect to make up to two awards for $20,000 each. A faculty member may request up to $15,000 for summer salary and benefits (or an equivalent amount of other costs). Each Scholar may also request up to $5,000 for his/her international travel or other expenses essential to the success of the assignment. Expected outcomes should have broad potential impacts for CALS and beyond, and the proposal must outline these potential impacts.

Faculty, individually or in teams, are invited to submit proposals for international research or extension internships (1 month minimum abroad) for CALS undergraduates. These funds cannot be used to support faculty-led study abroad travel, enrollment in third-party programs, or enrollment at other universities. CALS Global has a network of domestic and international partners who have expressed willingness to host student interns; please check with us to connect with these partners. However, faculty may engage with other suitable partners. The proposed location, partner organization, and internship plan must be approved by VT Global Health and Safety, CALS Global, and CALS Academic Programs before the award can be finalized. No faculty member may mentor more than one student under this program in FY 2024. 

Maximum budget request per individual faculty is $7,000. Up to $6,000 may be budgeted for student travel, stipend (mandatory), and subsistence. $1,000 per award should be budgeted for faculty salary/benefits or operations. We expect to award up to $35,000 through this opportunity for FY 2024. 

Guidelines and Evaluation

  • Open to CALS and VCE Faculty in longer-term positions with responsibilities for resource generation (i.e., post-doctoral associates are not eligible).
  • Award and activity should be initiated during FY24.
  • Proposals should be submitted through Submittable no later than COB November 20, 2023.  The following information is required:
    • Travel location(s) if applicable
    • Proposed dates
    • Institution(s) and individual(s) to be visited if applicable
    • Proposed budget, source(s) of funds and justification
    • Proposed activities and expected outcomes/impacts, and
    • Supporting information requested for the specific opportunity
  • CALS Global may request additional information before awards are made. Expected outcomes and impacts must be specific and actionable!
  • Allowable expenditures include: travel (reimbursement basis, not per diem), salary and benefits, stipends, supplies, equipment costing less than $500 per item.
  • Awardees must submit an “after-action report” summarizing outcomes/impacts, outputs, interactions, partners, etc. within three months of completion, and a follow-up progress report not more than nine months later.

Please note that CALS Global reserves the right to not issue awards for FY 2024. 

Proposals will be evaluated by CALS Global with input from partners and an internal CALS review committee.  Proposals will be ranked based on:

  • Quality of the proposed project
  • Qualifications of the applicant(s)
  • Probability of success and impact
  • Potential benefits for CALS faculty and students
  • Potential benefits beyond CALS
  • Alignment with CALS Global strategic priorities, and
  • Cost-sharing (if applicable)

Applicants will be notified of decisions by December 12, 2023.


Dr. Tom Thompson
Associate Dean and Director, CALS Global
104 Hutcheson Hall
Dr. Jess Agnew
Associate Director, CALS Global
104E Hutcheson Hall
The deadline for applications is November 20, 2023.
FY2024 CALS Global Grants RFP.pdf