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CALS Team Award

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The CALS Team Award recognizes the achievements and impacts of interdisciplinary teams.

CALS Team Award Guidelines
CALS Team Award Nomination Cover Page


  • Teams must consist of three or more Virginia Tech faculty members (tenure track and/or non-tenure track faculty) and may include staff and student members who make substantial contributions to the team’s success.
  • At least half of the faculty members on the team must be from CALS.
  • Team projects must include activities in one or more College mission areas of teaching, research, and Extension; international activities in any of the three mission areas are also eligible.
  • Teams must have made demonstrable short- and/or long-term impacts, preferably in more than one of the mission areas; teams must be currently active, and must be active in the foreseeable future.


  • May be submitted by any CALS faculty member.
  • Nomination must meet the eligibility and address the 8 criteria listed in the CALS Team Award Guidelines.
  • Unsuccessful nominations may be updated and re-submitted two (2) times for consideration [a maximum of three (3) years].
  • An electronic copy saved as a pdf must be submitted by June 1, 2021 to Crystal Tawney in the Dean’s Office at Please use the checklist on the Cover Sheet to be sure your nomination meets the requirements.


The review committee will consist of eight voting members, and a non-voting chair. The four associate deans and the assistant dean of Strategic Engagement and Opportunity will be permanent members of the committee, with one serving as rotating chair. The Dean will name four members of the faculty to serve as additional members of the committee. Faculty members who are part of a team nomination are not eligible to serve on the review committee.


The award will be announced at the annual CALS summer picnic, but also presented at a special ceremony in the fall, during which the team will give a 15 to 20-minute presentation describing the work. After the presentation, each member of the team will be recognized with an award. The team will also be awarded $10,000 operating funds to be used to help support the team’s program.

    CALS Awards and Recognitions

    Nomination Deadlines for 2021

  • Andy Swiger Land-Grant Award and CALS Research Excellence Awards 
    • May 21, 2021
  • CALSFA Faculty Excellence in Service Award 
    • June 1, 2021
  • CALS Team Award
    • June 1, 2021