The name of this association shall be the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Staff Association (CALSSA).
Section 1. The purpose of this association shall be to facilitate communication between the staff and administration, faculty, and students; to serve as a vehicle for the administration to inform all staff of missions, goals, existing and proposed policies and programs, and other timely topics; to serve as a forum for staff input on missions, goals, existing and proposed policies and programs, and other timely topics; to convey ideas from the staff to the administration, in the planning and organization of staff educational activities, staff development, and social/recreational activities for the college (when necessary, referrals may be made to the appropriate channels); to encourage staff participation in college activities, to develop personal skills, and to promote esprit de corps among all college employees; and, to act in an advisory capacity to the Staff Senate.
Section 2. CALSSA representatives to the Board shall be responsible for presenting ideas and addressing general concerns from the employees they represent and for reporting Staff Senate meeting information to those employees on a timely basis.
Section 1. Membership shall consist of all staff employees (full and part time, salary, and wage) in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Members may bring up issues directly to CALSSA or advise departmental representatives of issues to be brought before CALSSA.
Section 1. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer whose duties shall be as prescribed by these bylaws and the parliamentary authority adopted by this Association. All CALSSA officers are expected to attend monthly CALSSA Meetings and events when possible.
Section 2. The President Shall
a) Call and conduct monthly CALSSA Meetings
b) Enforce all regulations and polices as defined by CALSSA Bylaws
c) Ensure video conferencing is available for online participants
d) Meet with the Dean quarterly to discuss CALSSA business, updates, and concerns
e) Serve as CALSSA representation on the CALS (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) Governance Council, serving as liaison with the Council and the Executive Committee and ensure that timely input will occur for decisions regarding policy
f) Ensure that staff members appointed to college committees and commissions regularly report activities of their committees back to CALSSA
g) Oversee the nominations and election process
h) Lead coordination of CALSSA Social Activities and Events
i) Act as speaker/spokesperson for CALSSA at events
Section 3. The Vice President Shall
a) Represent CALSSA when the President is unavailable
b) Be able to serve as CALSSA President should the President be unable to complete their term
c) Assist in coordination of CALSSA Social Activities and Events
d) Act as a point of contact for CALSSA by answering any questions faculty or staff may have
e) Serve as a recruitment person for new members
f) Conduct surveys of the CALSSA members as needed
Section 4. The Secretary Shall
a) Record who is in attendance of monthly meetings
b) Record meeting minutes and shall send out recorded minutes promptly to CALSSA Representatives which allows time for review and corrections so they can be approved at the next month’s meeting
c) Keep record of these minutes to be kept in CALSSA archives
d) Ensure the CALSSA Website is up to date reflecting current communications, events, and information
Section 5. The Treasurer Shall
a) Maintain accurate financial records, track, and pay invoices, and monitor the annual budget
b) Inform the President of any budgetary needs that should be addressed with the Dean
c) Provide a monthly financial report at CALSSA meetings
Section 1. The governing body shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, one representative from each department/unit of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and staff senators (the number of senators prescribed by the Staff Senate), which shall be known and referred to as The Board.
Section 2. Each designated department/unit in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, including Extension Districts and Agricultural Research and Extension Centers, shall elect a representative and an alternate to the Board. The alternate shall replace the representative in the event of a vacancy.
Section 3. The office of a representative may be declared vacant whenever that person has unauthorized absences from two consecutive regular meetings or from any three regular meetings within a year. Absences shall be authorized if announced in advance to the Secretary or if the absentee is replaced.
Section 4. Any representative may resign by informing the President and their department association in writing.
Section 5. Should a representative's status change within the College during the term of office, the representative will notify the Executive Committee. Replacing the representative is the responsibility of the department/unit.
Section 6. If an Officer of the Board is also a departmental representative, they shall request the current departmental alternate to serve as the departmental representative. When the alternate becomes the representative, the department shall elect a new alternate.
Section 7. A quorum shall be defined as 10 Board members present.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Officers of the Association and the Staff Senators and shall coordinate all activities of the Association, the Officers, committees, and all special meetings; set the time and place and prepare an agenda for all regular and special meetings; act on behalf of the Association between meetings; report regularly to the Association on the disposition of all major matters submitted to it; and serve as a liaison with the administration and staff.
Section 2. Election of Officers. A slate of officers shall be nominated from the membership at large in January. Elections will be by an online ballot and new officers announced in the March meeting. Officers shall be elected for a term of two years. Incoming officers shall be mentored by existing officers until their term begins, and they assume their responsibilities on July 1. No officer shall serve in the same role for more than two consecutive terms.
Section 3. Staff Senators shall be elected from the membership at large. No more than two Staff Senators shall be from the same department/unit. The number and method of electing Staff Senators will be determined by the Board prior to the election.
Section 4. Staff Senators shall be elected for three-year terms commencing July 1 and ending June 30, three years later. The number of Senators elected will be specified by the bylaws of the Staff Senate. Staff Senators shall serve as liaisons between CALSSA and Staff Senate and be voting members of the Board.
Section 1. The President of the Association shall serve as a member of the CALS (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) Governance Council.
Section 2. Six additional council members shall be nominated and elected from the staff at large including on campus, Extension field, and AREC staff.
Section 3. Appointment of council members shall be held in conjunction with the March election of officers.
Section 4. Each council member shall be elected for a two-year term.
Section 1. CALSSA Committees shall be appointed by the President as the need is determined by the Board. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all CALSSA committees.
Section 2. CALS (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) Committees will have staff representatives elected by CALSSA that shall serve for a two-year term. CALS Committees include but are not limited to:
a) CALS Committee on International Programs – one staff representative elected by CALSSA
b) CALS Committee on Extension and Research – two staff representatives elected by CALSSA
c) CALS Committee on Academic Program Policy – one staff representative elected by CALSSA
Section 1. Regular meetings of the CALSSA Board shall be held monthly on a day, time, and location agreed upon by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. CALSSA Board meetings shall be open to all CALS (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) Staff members.
Section 3. On areas of specific concern, the Executive Committee will invite the appropriate individuals (Department Head, Dean, etc.) to address the membership.
Section 4. A written proxy shall be allowed and, to be considered valid, a proxy must contain the date of the meeting, a statement giving the proxy holder the right to vote in place of the issuer, and a signature. Whenever possible, the member who knows in advance that attendance at the meeting will not be possible should notify the Secretary of the existence of the proxy. Proxy votes shall count as members attending to determine a quorum.
Section 1. A proposal for an amendment must be submitted to the Executive Committee for review and certification. The notice shall contain the proposed amendment in context or the general nature of the matter. Proposed amendment shall not be voted on until at least one regular meeting after the meeting in which it was proposed. Amendments to the bylaws shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Board.
Section 1. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall guide the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.
February 1991
June 1991
February 1992
Revised & Amended:
January 1993
November 1994
May 2001
January 2015