Kenya's Egerton University and Virginia Tech Explore Extension in Higher Education

Kenya's Egerton University, through the Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM), and Virginia Tech recently cohosted a webinar and panel discussion on extension and engagement in the context of higher education. Leaders from both campuses discussed how extension activities are designed and executed, faculty and student engagement in extension, and campus structures and policies to support effective extension. From Egerton, Bockline Bebe, Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension, Nancy Mungai, Director of Research and Extension, and Agnes Nkurumwa, Chair of the Department of Agricultural Education and Extension shared, and from Virginia Tech, Ed Jones, Associate Dean and Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension and Tom Thompson, Associate Dean and Director, CALS Global participated. More than eighty participants from Egerton and Virginia Tech joined the event. This is the first in a series of virtual events exploring effective extension.
To learn more about extension opportunities in Kenya and around the world, contact Ben Grove.