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ALCE 5204: Evaluation of Extension and Outreach Programs

Concentration: Education
Credits: 3 graduate credit(s)


Theory and practice of program evaluation in community education settings such as extension and outreach programs. Evaluation concepts and methods to plan and execute well-constructed program evaluations. Major traditions, current controversies, and new directions in evaluation and extension outlets.


Learning Objectives

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:

  • Summarize the principles and practices central to the field of program evaluation
  • Practice evaluative thinking
  • Classify the major epistemological and methodological branches of program evaluation
  • Apply the technical processes involved in planning and implementing an evaluation in an extension, outreach, or community education context, including:
    • Entering the system
    • Stakeholder analysis
    • Logic modeling
    • Evaluation questions
    • Data collection
    • Sampling and design
    • Analysis and interpretation
    • Reporting and use
  • Articulate and justify personal epistemological and methodological evaluation stances
  • Analyze at least one controversy or emerging trend in evaluation

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Graduate Standing


Thomas Archibald