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Course Listing

Core Courses
ALS 5024 (di) Building Multicultural Competence in Agriculture and Life Sciences Fall and Spring
ALS 5104 (re) Communicating Research and Leadership in Agriculture and Life Sciences Fall and Spring
ALS 5134 (rm)* Community-Based Applications of Qualitative Inquiry Fall and Spring
ALS 5214 (rm)* Information Systems and Research in Life Sciences Spring (odd years)
ALS 5234  (fs) Advanced Concepts in Community Food Systems Fall and Summer (extended)
Agribusiness Concentration
AAEC 5014 Applied Economic Analytics Fall
AAEC 5025 Applied Microeconomics Fall
AAEC 5034 Agribusiness Marketing Policy and Business Strategies Summer (extended)
AAEC 5054 Strategic Agribusiness Management Fall
AAEC 5074 Agricultural and Food Policy Spring
AAEC 5174 International Agricultural Development and Trade Spring (even years)
AAEC 5424 Agribusiness Finance and Risk Management Summer (extended)
Applied Animal Behavior and Welfare Concentration
APSC 5134 Applied Behavior Analysis for Animal Behaviorists (required for AABW students) Fall
APSC 5154 Behavioral Biology of Domesticated Animals Spring
APSC 5164 Ethology and Applied Ethology of Domesticated Animals Fall
APSC 5184 (rm)* Research Methods for Animal Behaviorists Spring
APSC 5224 Animal Welfare Assessment Fall
APSC 5234 Applications of Applied Animal Behavior Fall
APSC 5244 Applied Equine Behavior Spring (even years)
APSC 5254 Managed Animal Ethology and Welfare Spring
APSC 5264 Animal Cognition Summer I
APSC 5334 Adjunctive Approaches to Behavior Change in Animals Spring (even years)
APSC 5374 Animal Behavior Consulting Summer (extended)
Applied Nutrition and Physical Activity Concentration
HNFE 5174G Advanced Nutrition and Physical Performance Fall
HNFE 5184 Advanced Macronutrient Metabolism Fall
HNFE 5214 Physical Activity and Health Spring
HNFE 5414 Body Image and Disordered Eating Spring 
HNFE 5454 Nutrition and Disease Prevention through the Life Cycle Spring
HNFE 5644G Advanced Health Counseling Summer (extended)
HNFE 5684 Program Development in Health Education Summer (extended)
HNFE 5694 Public Health Administration Spring and Summer I
PHS 5034 Health Education and Health Behavior Summer (extended)
Education Concentration
ALCE 4884 Youth Program Management Fall
ALCE 5014 Principles and Methods of Non-formal Teaching and Learning Summer II
ALCE 5044 Program and Curriculum Design in ALCE Summer I
ALCE 5054 STEM Integration in Agricultural Education Spring (even years)
ALCE 5074 Foundations of ALCE Fall
ALCE 5104 Research Applications in ALCE Fall; Spring (even years)
ALCE 5114 Serving International Agriculture and Education Spring (odd years)
ALCE 5154 Community Partnerships and Volunteerism Summer I
ALCE 5204 Evaluation of Extension and Outreach Programs Fall
ALCE 5564 International Agriculture and Diplomacy Fall
Environmental Science Concentration
BSE 5404 Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Fall (even years)
CSES 5114 Soils for Professionals Spring and Summer (extended)
CSES 5314 Water Quality for Professionals Fall (odd years)
CSES 5324 Blending Business and Environmental Principles Spring
CSES 5444 Agronomic Topics for the Mid-Atlantic Spring
CSES 5604 Environmental Science Concepts for Professionals Summer (extended)
CSES 5864 Advanced Wetland Soils and Mitigation Summer (extended)
CSES 5874 Reclamation of Disturbed Lands Fall (even years)
Food Safety and Biosecurity Concentration
ENT 5624 Animal and Plant Biosafety and Biosecurity
FST 5034 Good Agricultural and Manufacturing Practices Spring (even years)
FST 5044 Global Food Laws and Regulations Fall (even years)
FST 5614 Food Safety and Security Spring (odd years)
FST 5624 Applied Food Microbiology and Sanitation Fall (odd years)
FST 5634 Advanced Epidemiology of Food and Waterborne Diseases Fall (even years)
Leadership Studies Concentration
ALCE 4884 Youth Program Management Fall
ALCE 5154 Community Partnerships and Volunteerism Summer (extended)
ALCE 5224 Team Science, Cooperation, and Interdisciplinary Work Spring
LDRS 4514 Essential Skills for Nonprofit Leaders Spring
LDRS 5004 Ethics in Leader/Follower Relationships Spring
LDRS 5454 Leadership Foundations for Diverse Contexts Fall
LDRS 5464 Leadership in a Global Society Spring
LDRS 5534 Cognition, Problem Solving, and Preferences for Change Fall
LDRS 5544 Leading Teams Through Change Fall
LDRS 5554 Leading Social Change Spring
Plant Science and Pest Management Concentration
ENT 5024 Understanding Urban and Structural Entomology Fall (even years)
ENT 5234 Managing Arthropod Pests Spring (even years) Summer (odd years) (extended)
ENT 5624 Animal and Plant Biosafety and Biosecurity
ENT 6004 Design and Analysis of Agricultural Experiments Spring
HORT 4334 Greenhouse and Controlled Environment Agriculture Management Summer (extended)
HORT 4654 Viticulture Fall
HORT 5764G Advanced Vegetable Crops Spring (even years)
HORT 5784G Advanced Vegetable Seeds Spring (even years)
PPWS 5204 Principles of Plant Disease Management Spring
PPWS 5214 Diseases of Crop Plants Fall and Spring
PPWS 5704 Weed Science and Management Fall (odd years)
Additional Elective Options
APSC 5404 Reproductive Technologies in Cattle Spring

*choose one course based on type of research (qualitative or quantitative)