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HNFE 5174G: Advanced Nutrition and Physical Performance

Concentration: Applied Nutrition and Physical Activity
Credits: 3 graduate credit(s)


This course will provide a comprehensive overview of nutrition requirements for athletes and active individuals.  Strategies for optimizing performance, enhancing health, minimizing injury, and modifying body composition and body weight will also be reviewed.  Students will practice translation of scientific information into practical recommendations and communication tools for “real life” work with athletes. 


Learning Objectives

  1. Identify nutritional needs, including macronutrients, micronutrients, and water for athletes of various sports and ages.  
  2. Apply techniques of basic assessment of the diet and nutritional status of the athlete. 
  3. Describe the procedures and evaluate the uses of various body composition assessment techniques in athletes.
  4. Explain the short and long-term benefits and risks related to nutrition habits practiced by athletes.
  5. Critically evaluate experimental designs studying the effects of nutritional interventions on physical performance.
  6. Explain methods for evaluating physical performance.
  7. Understand physiological and metabolic factors involved with proposed and proven ergogenic aids.
  8. Demonstrate development of nutrition recommendations for athletes of various types and with different goals.
  9. Identify and recommend the most appropriate nutritional strategies for weight loss or weight gain based on the athlete’s physical condition and performance goals
  10. Apply the principles and knowledge of sports nutrition to assess the diet, energy expenditure, and body composition of an athlete.
  11. Utilize current nutrition recommendations and research-based evidence to design dietary strategies to meet health and performance goals of athletes.  

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Graduate Standing


Jennie Zabinsky