PPWS 5214: Diseases of Crop Plants
Concentration: Plant Science and Pest Management Credits: 1 graduate credit |
Symptoms, pathogen morphology, etiology, epidemiology, and practical control principles for important diseases of grains, oilseeds, legumes, forages, vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and turf.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Recognize the symptoms and signs (structures produced by pathogens) of important diseases of selected crops.
- Describe life cycles and epidemiological characteristics of these diseases and explain how these characteristics affect the design of disease management strategies.
- Use the literature and information sources of applied plant pathology to diagnose diseases and choose control strategies and tactics.
Prerequisites and Co-requisites
Two semesters of college biology and one course in general plant pathology or equivalent exposure. The student should bring to the class familiarity with the general nature of plant pathogens, approaches to diagnosis, and the types of options available for disease management.