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ALCE 5114: Serving International Agriculture & Education

Concentration: Education
Credits: 3 graduate credit(s)


The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to international agriculture education and training (AET) in both developed and developing countries. Skills formal and non-formal educators need in international settings; concepts for international AET, and best practices for educators, extension professionals, and other professionals will be discussed. It will require that you critically and creatively evaluate what we do, why we do it, and what the future might hold based on your own experiences, thoughts, and consideration of ideas and materials presented during the course.


Learning Objectives

1.     Discuss the major concepts upon which international programs in AET are based.

2.     Evaluate and apply relevant theoretical frameworks, including educational models and theories.

3.     Apply educational concepts and theories in international AET.

4.     Describe how to serve developed and developing countries utilizing knowledge of agriculture and the life sciences.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Graduate Standing


Van Crowder