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HNFE 5644G: Advanced Health Counseling

Concentration:  Applied Nutrition and Physical Activity
Credits: 3 graduate credit(s)


Adequate inter-personal and basic counseling skills are vital to the successful careers of health counselors and health professionals for the use with clients and fellow professionals. Such skills may be used in a variety of contexts ranging from one-on-one patient counseling, counseling for groups, and interactions with other health professionals during program development and administration. This course will focus on the application of health behavioral theory and motivational interviewing as a method to communicate with clients, facilitate health behavior change with your clients, and give you an in-depth understanding of how and why people change. This course will use lectures, reading materials, class discussion and class activities to provide the opportunity to practice applying strategies and skills taught in class. 


Learning Objectives

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:

    Apply communication techniques to the process of health counseling and health promotion, disease prevention, and management.

    Identify problems most frequently encountered in health counseling and strategies that can be used to address those problems.

    Know the attributes of effective counselors and ethical practice.

    Understand the role of health counseling in relation to health behavior change for diverse individuals and groups

Additional learning objectives for students registered for Graduate credit:

    Critique research related to the application of health behavior theory and counseling skills within medical professions.

    Translate evidence-based guidelines into behavior change practices.

    Practice the application of ethical principles, cultural sensitivity and awareness in health counseling. 

Prerequisites and Co-requisites

Graduate Standing


Kristen Chang, MS, RDN, CSSD