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ENT 6004: Design and Analysis of Agricultural Experiments

Concentration: Entomology (Core Curriculum)
Credits: 3 graduate credit(s)


Principles and methods for effective experimental design and statistical data analysis in agriculture; scientific method and experimental components; parametric and nonparametric statistical methods; analysis of nominal, ordinal, and continuous response variables and hypothesis testing; regression analysis; use of SAS JMP software for statistical analysis. (3H, 3C).

Learning Objectives

 Students should acquire facts, skills, and problem-solving abilities to:

  1. Discuss the scientific method and its role in the design and analysis of agricultural research. 
  2. Describe the different types of experimental designs used in agricultural research. 
  3. Define the types of data (response variables) collected in agricultural experiments. 
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the type of response variable in the experiment and the statistical analysis method to employ.
  5. Interpret and report the results of statistical analyses of data.
  6. Use SAS JMP for the design of experiments, statistical analysis, and reporting.
  7. Estimate NPS pollution loads and effectiveness of BMPs using simple modeling techniques.
  8. Describe monitoring system requirements for NPS pollution assessment.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites

Student should have taken at least taken an elementary course in statistics. Graduate standing.


Roger Schürch