ENT 6004: Design and Analysis of Agricultural Experiments
Concentration: Entomology (Core Curriculum) Credits: 3 graduate credit(s) |
Principles and methods for effective experimental design and statistical data analysis in agriculture; scientific method and experimental components; parametric and nonparametric statistical methods; analysis of nominal, ordinal, and continuous response variables and hypothesis testing; regression analysis; use of SAS JMP software for statistical analysis. (3H, 3C).
Learning Objectives
Students should acquire facts, skills, and problem-solving abilities to:
- Discuss the scientific method and its role in the design and analysis of agricultural research.
- Describe the different types of experimental designs used in agricultural research.
- Define the types of data (response variables) collected in agricultural experiments.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the type of response variable in the experiment and the statistical analysis method to employ.
- Interpret and report the results of statistical analyses of data.
- Use SAS JMP for the design of experiments, statistical analysis, and reporting.
- Estimate NPS pollution loads and effectiveness of BMPs using simple modeling techniques.
- Describe monitoring system requirements for NPS pollution assessment.
Prerequisites and Co-requisites
Student should have taken at least taken an elementary course in statistics. Graduate standing.