August 2024

Upcoming Events & Deadlines

Fall Tuition Payment Due
The Bursar's Office generates billing statements at least monthly. More information found here
August 20-22 - First year and transfer students arrive.
August 23-25- Returning students arrive.
Fall Classes Start
It's your Hokie's BIG DAY! Heres a TIP: Institute a weekly catch -up call. Be available for your student during the first few weeks, but let them figure out how to do things on their own.
Fall Family Weekend 2024
Fall Family Weekend is a time for you to reconnect with your student and be in the community with other proud Hokie Families. Sign up here
Meet the CALS Academic Programs Team!
These smiling faces are here to support and guide your CALS student through their college experience.
Are you ready for drop-off?
Below are tips and advice from our veteran college parents in the CALS Academic Programs Office.

Before Drop-Off
- Have tissues READY!
- The build-up (anxiety, worry, etc) is worse than the drop-off
- See what your student has done rather than telling them what to do.
- Find what is necessary and take that. The extras can be picked up locally if needed.

During the Drop-Off
- There will be a lot of stimulation and activity, so try to be laid back and in the moment.
- Stay hydrated!
- Don't be afraid to ask for directions and help.
- REMEMBER, let your kid(s) set up their dorm room the way they want it.
- Stay positive... it is not YOU. It can be a stressful day for everyone. So, let your kid(s) assess everything.

After the Drop-Off
- You love your kid(s), so remind them that you will be there when they need you.
- Play off your kid(s) emotions. If they are happy, be happy with them and vice versa.
- Try to not overwhelm your kid(s) with many questions and expectations. They are learning how to navigate school and life away from home.
- Your kid(s) college experience will not be the same as yours. So, let them make the most of it!
- Bring some items of comfort from home for your kid(s) when you visit.
- Offer words of encouragement and affirmation.
Course Spotlight
FST 2024: Raw to Burnt: Exploring Science and Society through Food
This course explores the science and culture of food, combining theory with practical experience in the kitchen.
- Course is taught by multiple faculty from the Food Science and Technology department.
- This is not all lecture. Students will spend multiple classes in a test kitchen.
- Students will learn about food composition, preservation techniques, and ethical considerations.
- This course is open to all undergraduate students.
Virginia Tech Resources

Office of Financial Aid
Current Virginia Tech students recieved financial aid offers for the 2024-2025 academic year on June 21st...

Office of Services for Students with
(SSD) strives to remove disability related barriers for students in the learning...

Schiffert Health Center
Their clinical staff of 17 doctors, nurse practitioners, and physicians assistants administer care for a wide...

Bursar's Office
The Bursar’s Office mission is to ensure financial integrity in the
cash management of University funds...

Registrar's Office
The Office of the University Registrars are here to help you navigate your journey as a Hokie. From admission...

Dean of Students
The Dean of Students office is committed to offering support to
students so they flourish in every imaginable way..
We Would Love to Meet You...