December 2024

Last day of class
Reading Day
No classes; student prepare and study for final exams.
Final Exams
Fall Commencement
Supporting Your Student Through the Final Stretch

So much will happen in the next five weeks: Thanksgiving break, final exams, fall commencement, and winter break. Thanksgiving and winter break are times for you to engage with your student about the fall 2024 semester. Students need time to relax and recharge. During Thanksgiving break, your student might be catching up in some classes and working on assignments. However, no class should have an assignment that is specifically due during the break. Remember you can always contact us at if you have any questions. Safe travels and happy holidays to everyone.
Interested in sending your student a care package? Virginia Tech has you covered! Order yours here:
A Special Note From...

Dear CALS families,
University Libraries is committed to student success. During finals week, Newman Library hosts one of the tastiest Virginia Tech traditions — Cheesy Nights!
Cheesy Nights is back for the Fall 2024 semester December 12, 13,15, and 16 beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Goodall Room, on the first floor of Newman Library. Every semester during finals week, the delicious tradition captures students' hearts and taste buds one grilled cheese sandwich at a time. This service project gives students the brain food they need when dining dollars are running low or their next meal isn't top of mind while cramming for exams.
Cheesy Nights, hosted by University Libraries, began in 2011 with just $100 for cheese, butter, bread, and a small griddle in Newman Library. Every semester since, campus partners, family volunteers, and community members tie on their aprons and grill more than 6,000 grilled cheese sandwiches and serve hundreds of pounds of fruit, thousands of bagged snacks, desserts, and drinks for hungry Hokies during finals week. Gluten-free and dairy-free options are also available.
Many parents mark Cheesy Nights on their calendars and sign up to volunteer and give encouraging words to stressed-out Hokies. All sandwich ingredients, snacks, fruit, and drinks are purchased with donations from alumni, parents, and friends who want to send encouragement from afar.
Let your students know that warm grilled cheesy goodness and snacks will be available Thursday, Friday, Sunday, and Monday of finals in Newman Library. We look forward to seeing them!
For photo and video updates of Cheesy Nights fun, follow University Libraries on social media @VTLibraries.
All the best,
University Libraries Cheesy Nights team
Course Spotlight
HNFE 2274: Wilderness First Responder
Professor: Dr. Anja Whittington
3 credits (Pass/Fail only)
This course covers the assessment and treatment of emergencies in remote settings. Students will be grouped into teams to manage medical emergencies in wilderness context, organization and implementation of rescues, decision-making, leadership, judgment, and prevention. Students will be trained in CPR, search and rescue and evacuation techniques. At the successful completion of the course, students will earn a certification as a Wilderness First Responder. This course is offered in both Fall and Spring semesters and is open to all Virginia Tech students. LINK TO COURSE: Here
Virginia Tech Resources

Office of Financial Aid
Current Virginia Tech students recieved financial aid offers for the 2024-2025 academic year on June 21st...

Office of Services for Students with
(SSD) strives to remove disability related barriers for students in the learning...

Schiffert Health Center
Their clinical staff of 17 doctors, nurse practitioners, and physicians assistants administer care for a wide...

Bursar's Office
The Bursar’s Office mission is to ensure financial integrity in the
cash management of University funds...

Registrar's Office
The Office of the University Registrars are here to help you navigate your journey as a Hokie. From admission...

Dean of Students
The Dean of Students office is committed to offering support to
students so they flourish in every imaginable way..
Contact and Visit Our Office
1060 Litton-Reaves Hall
175 West Campus Drive, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6503