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Zabrina Lewis

Pursuing an M.S. in Biological Systems Engineering from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech

White woman with long brown hair wearing a black shirt
“I love learning- and there's always more to learn in science...while also doing a lot of good for the world.”

Zabrina originally hails from Peru and grew up with incredible food and Spanish as she first language. Through an internship in the summer of 2021, she found an interest in wetland and stream restoration. Zabrina enjoys learning about how both biotic and abiotic factors are affected by physiochemical changes to the aquatic environment, and how that ultimately determines the way in which humans can utilize and/or enhance those ecosystems. During her time at VT, Zabrina is eager to learn the skills necessary to improve the quality and quantity of aquatic ecosystems, while also finding sustainable solutions to water conservation/utilization in a time of mass environmental degradation.   

Zabrina earned a B.S. in Environmental Science and Ecology from George Mason University and currently pursuing an M.S. in Biological Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech working under Dr. Durelle Scott.