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Joseph Taylor

Pursuing a doctoral degree in horticulture within the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences in the College of Agriculture Life Sciences

Man with tan skin and short black curly hair wearing a light button up shirt.
“STEM draws me in because it is always pushing the limits of what is possible while bringing a better understanding of the world and making a meaningful impact.”

Joseph’s research takes a synthetic biology-based approach to identify the molecular mechanisms that underly auxin signaling, a plant growth hormone involved in many aspects of development. After completing his bachelor’s degree, Joseph worked at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center as a space crop production intern where he evaluated the performance of various crops in spaceflight conditions. Outside of the sciences, Joseph has a passion for the visual arts and storytelling. Currently, art has become more of a relaxing creative outlet while his main passion is in the sciences. 

Joseph completed his undergraduate studies in Environmental Science, Plant Biology at NC State University and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in horticulture within the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences in the College of Agriculture Life Sciences.