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Justice Madden

Pursuing a master's within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ Department of Agricultural Leadership and Community Education

Woman with tan shin and black curly hair smiling, wearing a light top and black blazer
“I feel like I started to embrace STEM more when someone referred to it as STEAM... the "A" encompasses agriculture into how we think about the field. Arguably, people who looked to the land and stars with some of the first scientists, mathematicians, and technological innovators.”

Justice serves as a fellow for the Virginia Tech’s Center for Food Systems and Community Transformation. She views all possibilities of healing, nourishing, and community through the land. She focuses her research on the genesis of life, the seed. Her thesis project explores the narrative of Black seed-keepers in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. as a continuation of radical acts of self determination and resilience.

Justice earned a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Media Studies at the University of Virginia and is completing a master's within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ Department of Agricultural Leadership and Community Education.